Coven Study and Training

Classes & Training

All classes and rituals are in English. You must be over 21 to study with us.

Cottonwood Star offers traditional training in a mentorship format for serious students. Our training is meant to give coven members a shared basis of practice. We draw from a wide range of occult practices to do so. Training relies on autonomous and self-directed study and practice with regular meetings and rituals to help develop both group and individual praxis.

  • Pre-initiatory training focuses on building a foundation for regular practice and self-knowledge
  • 1st degree training building magical skills
  • 2nd degree training on the inner lineage teachings and supported coven leadership
  • 3rd degree is the integration of all three and independent coven leadership (if desired)

Students meet regularly (2-3 times a month) in person or online for study.

Sabbats & Esbats

The coven gathers at least once a month for either a sabbat or esbat (full moon), based on an agreed upon calendar, generally on Friday nights.

We try to celebrate a balance of sabbats and esbats together but recognize that life is hectic and that sometimes solo practice is necessary in order to maintain family, work, and general life balance. Clear coven dates are set in advance as a group. We generally gather 3 Friday nights a month for class, discussion, or ritual.

Training and rituals are free, but all coven members contribute to rituals by bringing items needed (flowers, wine, cookies, candles etc).

Personal Practice

We expect students to commit to a regular practice in order to develop magical skills, self-knowledge, and connection to deities, spirits, and ancestors. Occult practice can sometimes be destabilizing, which is why regular personal practice and self-knowledge is important to the work. This practice is meant to help carry you through this process.

We provide a basic practice and ask that you learn it in order for the coven to have a shared magical language. We build these foundations together:

  • Dedication and offerings
  • Grounding and centering
  • Banishing and energy work
  • Meditation

Ultimately, your practice, once you’ve integrated and become comfortable with them – is your own to modify as you see fit as long as it doesn’t detract from the group work.

Want to join us?

Note: we are currently not accepting new members at the moment. If you wish to be on a waitlist, please write an application letter. We are happy to hear from you.

If you are interested in studying with us, please send us a well thought out letter explaining your personal reasons for applying using the contact form below.

This letter should include a little about you; your general interests and your experience with witchcraft and the occult; why you would like to work in a coven; and what your motives for studying witchcraft are.

Why do we ask all this information? To get a general sense of who you are and how you might fit into the group dynamic. Please give us a sense of who you are, within your comfort levels, so that we can start a discussion and get to know one another. Ask us questions if you want. Think of this as the beginning of a two-way interview. We’re platonically coven speed dating to see if we’re a good match (joking, sort of).

Email us at: cottonwoodstar @

Vous pouvez écrire en français mais veuillez noter par contre, que nous allons répondre en anglais et que l’apprentissage et les rituels se font en anglais.

Still not sure how to write an application letter? Here are some tips: